Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Day 5

Yep, the reality starts here: the weather looks dull and it's almighty 12 degrees out here at home.

I will go on with this blog until I have found a new job. If I hit the 200 days mark, I have failed and the plan B comes into the effect ( what plan b?, I dont have a plan b ... not yet at least).

The requirements for the new job are in line with a) must be more motivating and interesting than my previous one b) less than 60 min away, I'm fed up with travelling. No more requitements at this stage, lets see what is the situation in couple of months time.


  1. Lycka till! Ja muista Tutkimustoimiston lyömättömät työsuhde-edut.

  2. Sitä tarjousta en tule koskaan unohtamaan juuri näiden etujen tähden. Palataan mahdollisesti asiaan :-)
