Sunday, October 21, 2012

Day 128

Many bloggers are earning a "good" money, says YLE news today. Especially fashion bloggers get some extra, or even solid monthly income, via corporations and enterprises.

So now on, my blogs will follow a bit different style:

My Samsung mobile woke me up today and I enjoyed a breakfast with Satamaito milk and Fazer rye bread topped with Saarioinen ham. I scanned some local news by Satakunnan Kansa via Acer PC and popped in to Tutkimustoimisto Puosi web page to check, if any new eye movement studies done, and many other good pages like I played two rounds of floorball, first int the morning and then in the evening, and my Excel stick worked nicely around the ball. And now I write my blog using Logitech keyboard and the Panasonic plasma TV delivers crispy picture of YLE news in the background.

.. and now the money should flow to my bank account, right?