Sunday, February 17, 2013

Day -103

There seems to be less and less jobs available in Finland, believe me, I have had a close look of the market some 8 months now.

Satakunta is hopeless for any software related jobs; there are some metal industry, offshore and engineering workshop type of management jobs available every then and then, but those are not interesting and don't even fit to my profile.

Pirkamaa is a bit better, but market is slowing down there also. There are software engineering jobs available, but that do not fit my profile either.

Uusimaa is the most lively place for software management related jobs, and maybe the most stable area, but I'm not ready to move down there yet, maybe ever.

Varsinais-Suomi has not shown any interesting vibration and pretty much closed for me.

Pohjanmaa, well, there are metal and power industry, but same as in here Satakunta, no go for me. I have applied some of those jobs on that industry area, but with negative results. Actually most of those companies have not even bother to reply or make any contact to inform "sorry bloke, you are not interesting enough", zero info.

So, the head is turning abroad. First the close neighbour, Sweden. Am I serious? Well, kind of. What the heck, why couldn't we live in Stockholm? There are some Telecommunication business positions available (perfecto) and about to apply another job around Stockholm tomorrow, and will continue to do so from now on. I have seen that "applying" is not the same than "getting" a job, so nothing to loose there :)