... one rainy day I was travelling from Waterloo Station to Hammersmith by bus after a hard day at the office. (There was one of those yearly tube strikes in London where most -if not all- metro lines are closed, and only option is to use buses and all the roads are packed with cars). It was already dark outside and I enjoyed to watch what other people were doing in their cars while the traffic was mostly stopped and long queues ahead. People were dringing coffees, reading newspapers, singing, on the phone, texting or just looked numbed. I remember thinging that how come they can spend most of they day in the car in the traffic and how boring it sounded.
Hmmm, it didn't take too long time to find myself in a same position: It sounded like an excellent idea to move to Hammersmith and have a car, cause' Hammersmith is located in the west side of London close the major highway A4, which was the way towards my office --> quick and easy to travel. Well, I found out that A4 (and M25 after that -like a ring road (kehä) in Helsinki) are rather busy roads as well, and you can actually spend hours in a car :(. So I wasn't laughing anymore for those poor people reading papers and drinking coffee in their cars..
And I did one major mistake one morning, when the traffic was running nicely and I decided to start playing with my CDs while driving: I took me a second too long to realize that the lorry in the front of me was braking hard, and I crashed pretty nicely to the back of the lorry in a motorway. Luckily no-one were hurt. It was the car which sufferred the major blow, and next 3-4 weeks I was without a car. After the crash I never drive right behind the lorry, but I rather overtake or leave enough space between to be able to see what's the traffic in the front of the lorry, gives more time to react...
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