Thursday, August 30, 2012

Day 76

Cooking. I hate cooking.
Well, maybe the word "hate" is a bit strong. Let's say that I don't fancy cooking. It's been the same story for the last 7 years or so: I should decide what to cook today for me and the kids, and I'm so boooored to prepare the same food every week. I only know 4-5 different type of meal which to prepare. I know that there are many kind of cookbooks around, but I'm not keen of reading and learning. Even now, when I have plenty of time (as mentioned quite a few times in this blog), I don´t find it interesting enough to learn to prepare something new kind of meal(s). Instead, I will dig out some old potatos, sausage, eggs from the fridge, and mix them together, and shallow-fry. Nothing wrong with the content as such, when served together with salad, but I'm fed up making same type of food so often, and consider every single day "Mitä tänään syötäis".

Any help, anybody? Share some easy methods for cooking, nothing fancy but easy to go. Please.
And now Sirviö, look at the another direction but not down :)