Day one five o. That is 50 days to go.
If I would be a project manager, I would send a serious message out to all stakeholders: red flag, re-planning to be started. Normally there would be actions to evaluate the situation and analyse the cause for the failure, and agree the new content with customer and ensure you able to deliver at least the mandatory part.
But this is one man show, and I can do what ever I want to :). This time the board has decided to... not to take any dramatic preventive actions to solve the foreseen problem, but instead.. continue to enjoy the spare time in hand. Reason: one day it all will end.
Ei tuollaisia päätöksiä saa tehdä hätiköidysti ... eikös ne yritysmaailmassakin vietä viikon/viikonlopun esim. Lapissa tai Espanjan rannoilla tulevaisuutta miettien ... toki päätyen samaan, ennaltapäätettyyn, lopputulokseen kuin sinä :-)
ReplyDeleteMutta hyvä päätös!
Arvasin, että unohdin jotain: sen loman Espanjan rannoilla... Kiitos vinkistä-