Monday, November 19, 2012

Day 157

One of the reason (and there are many) to visit London was to get a feeling of living and working there again; should I still consider London as an option?

And I got the answer; I wanted to say "yes, I still have a desire to work there", but .. No, I did not get that feeling anymore. Damn, am I getting old and scared to step out of my comfort zone? Whatever is the answer, It's pretty clear now that moving abroad  is not an option for next 5-8 years. (unless, there's always "unless", a dramatic change of whole ecosystem).

That means following: I will stick with Pori, I'll use more time to find meaningful job around here. The rest 43 days wont be enough, that's for sure by now. Thus, I better start preparing, a new plan for the first quarter of 2013 and even for the 2nd.


  1. Here is meaningful job for you:

    Salary: Some golf rounds next summer.

  2. Töitä! Kiinnostava tarjous. Mut kauheen pitkät päivät! Ei millään pysty näin kylmiltään. Eiks mitään helpompaa olis?

  3. Nii-i. Ja tuokin meni jo. Koitan keksiä jotain helpompaa ja lyhytkestoisempaa.
