Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Day 179

I have spent  two days inside in a row; well almost two days as I needed to cycle to grocery in a light snow storm today. It reminds me why one needs a car. It still snowing, and I can spent another day inside.. actually tomorrow is time to have a swim in a morning (last time we, me and Virpi, jumped from 5m high and it was the first time for us, pretty scary, but we did it. Is it 10m tomorrow?).

There hasn't been any particular reason for staying in, but I started to fix the house, just a small things which should have been done ages ago, just killing time and it's a good variation to my routines (what routines? Do I have any routine now-a-days? It's clear that I'm getting to bed later than used to, and waking up later as well, but that's all about the routine). I have managed to vary the structure of days pretty nicely and thus not got bored at all. Now, it's snowing and there are decent amount of snow outside already, should I start doing something new again? Like skiing? I hate that! Always hated, starting from early school times (and maybe the reason lies there..). So, I better buy some skis and start skiing twice a week.. (NOTE: this was only a though, not a promise).

Good night folks.

1 comment:

  1. Hiihto! se on Tommi meillä listalla seuraavaksi, ala nyt vaan henkisesti valmistautua :)
