Friday, March 29, 2013

Day -63

A movie night. 
Which film in question? 

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Day -64

Helmikuun lopussa työ- ja elinkeinotoimistoissa oli yhteensä 290 900 työtöntä työnhakijaa. Se on 37 100 enemmän kuin vuotta aikaisemmin

Työttömyysaste oli 8,7 prosenttia eli yhden prosenttiyksikön suurempi kuin vuotta aiemmin

Pori : ~13%

..ja samaan aikaa

Uusia avoimia työpaikkoja ilmoitettiin työ- ja elinkeinotoimistoihin helmikuun aikana 55 800 eli 6 300 vähemmän kuin edellisen vuoden helmikuussa

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Day -65

.. at 15:00:
a lunch à la my daughter

.. at 21:00:
A WIN. bye bye Kalpa.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Monday, March 25, 2013

Day -67

No, I've not travelled anywhere, just dreaming...

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Day -68

How are you? Had a nice week?

I'm just fine thanks.
It was a ice hockey rich week with Ässät and play offs you know.
No, I don't play, I just watch and enjoy the good time here in Pori.

You are right, the weather has been very chilly here in Pori and feels more like a winter than a spring.
What about the weather down there? Right, it's a bit same every where, isn't it.

No, still nothing on the job market. Haven't been too active to search lately to be honest. Having a "time out" period now, if you know what  I mean. Yeah, you right on that.

Well, we have one house in our mind, which could be our future home, but we haven't taken any further steps yet; we haven't got any offers to our house yet, so we... yes.. can't move on until.. yeah.

What about the coming week? Well, the plan is pretty much the same than last weeks: many cups of coffees in a city, maybe a lunch or two with friends, more ice hockey.. thanks, they will win.. walks to get some fresh air, reading.. I just finished "The Fifth Witness" by Michael Connelly.. yes the same guy who wrote the "Lincoln Lawyer".. movie?..oh yes there is a movie, now I remember.. no, movies are never as good as the original version of the book..true.. have you read the book?.. oh, you don't fancy lawsuit type of books too much..I do yes.. actually I don't read any type other books myself.. hah ha..that was funny.. no, I don't try to learn how to cheat the law..  and then I have that puzzle.. here: I just send MMS to you.. five days now.. no, not well proceeded.. you right.. no, there's no hurry.. just for fun..:

Why don't you drop by one day? Would be nice to meet you again...yes, could meet in a coffee house Steiner too.. sure.. just drop a SMS or call... couple of hours before.. absolutely.. great...

Well, I better go now.. and it was nice to talk to you too...l have a nice time and ... yes, see you soon..
Bye, bye !

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Day -71

.. and our dear next door neighbour responded in the most dramatic way:

That's a spirit !

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Day -72

The flag stays up until the very end...

Today it starts.
 Update at 22:05: a win!

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Day -73

Tähän on tultu. This is the current reality:

How have I come to this?

I remember the time when I was working in Tampere driving 250km every day, kids were.. kids, single dad most of the time, and barely no time for myself.

I don't have to drive no more, kids are.. youngsters (they don't need, sorry -want- my company.. just my money), no job, and suddenly I have loads of spare time. So there is some time even for the old fashion puzzle :)

Monday, March 18, 2013

Day -74

Today was a ticket mayhem; play-off tickets are on sale.

I wasn't the only one buying tickets via web at noon, and -surprise surprise - their server crashed (Lippupiste). I was unlucky as I managed to get far in a process and made payment, but never got the tickets. There were few e-mails sent between, and eventually I bought another set of tickets and will claim benefits for the first set tomorrow.

There are plenty of tickets left still, so the early bird did not win this time.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Day -75

Scanning through job ads and applying is frustrating task in these days. Last 9 months have not led to anywhere. That's a fact.

I still don't want to extend my search too much outside my "comfort zone" -locations wise. I did apply for those two jobs in Sweden, but they haven't bothered to reply anything back, actually none of the companies bothered during this year 2013 (apart from one). Quite frustrating to be honest.

I'm back in square one, and will not follow the job markets that intensively anymore; there are nothing available.

I've stopped worrying too much and will try to enjoy my "freedom" again -I did lost that feeling for couple of months-, and see if one day there are something interesting for me also.

I don't expect to find a job during 2013 and have accepted the fact. And that's not a sad news, it's reality. Future will be bright for sure, there's no need to hurry.

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Friday, March 15, 2013

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Day -80

We are desperately waiting spring to arrive and what we got: more snow, a lot. Ain't fair.

There are signs me getting seriously bored: I watched "learning golf" DVD today. Luckily I didn't smash too many objects in my living room, but comoon, there are some 50 cm snow outside and I'm already polishing my golf clubs... sight

Monday, March 11, 2013

Day -81

I was informed today that the temporary museum job (which I applied some 4wks ago) was awarded to someone else, and the title was change to "secretary" instead of "project designer"... right.
Well, I applied just for .. fun, to see what are my changes to enter totally new area. No hard feelings and my life does not end here :)

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Day -82 & 83

Yesterday was a busy day thus didn't have time to log in.

We played poorly yesterday and we are out of the competition (floorball, 45 years league); we should have done better, but we were far from our best in the last and crucial game. There are still couple of games left in 40 years league, but not sure if I'll attend next weekend games as my leg (knee mainly) is not that good shape (well, most of the players are broken many ways at this age).

Yesterday was a black day for Pori sport clubs as Narukerä (bandy) lost the final, Ässät lost their game after winning 14 games in a row (yes, really!) ....  and we lost.

Friday, March 8, 2013

Day 84

They say Pori is a boring and ugly place to live.
But check out this web page, full of pictures of Pori. Ain't that bad after all, eh ?

Mu pori o kaunis

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Day -85

I 'm pretty bored now-a-days. There's not much to do this time of the year and the job market is as dull as it has been, and will be.

So I've tried to find something to do, and today I went through old video tapes, you remember those VHS tapes we use to have in the era of "old good times"? I have couple of boxes of VHSs in the garage from 1980-1999. None of those had any lables thus I needed to check them all one by one. Luckily I found the video recorder also, which made me wonder how we ever have had patient to watch and rewind VHS tapes?

I throw away 90% of the tapes as a result. There were various titles like Dallas, ice-hockey, Band-Aid and other music, which I deny ever listening, Kummeli, kids programs and so on.

What next? C casettes? Where would I find a C player?

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Day -86

Today I refer to my friend's blog, eye movements again:
tutkimustoimistopuosi and observable matter

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Day -87

Action rich day behind. Many useful and good things done.

Maybe the most interesting one happened during the long walk nearby. I met an elderly lady (over 75) and she looked pretty lost and helpless. She didn't have a clue where she was, but suspected to be near by her home. I asked her home address and after some time she remembered, but google map didn't find such a street name in Pori.

Then I enquired her name. She didn't remember that one either at first, but once she calmed down a bit I got it and called to 020202, but they didn't find that kind of name in Pori first, but she was now very sure about the name being correct one. 020202 put their act together and finally found the name from their records, suddenly there were too many names. I asked her age, but no luck. 020202 added 5 more years to stated one, and there it was; the street name was very closed to what the lady said at the beginning, but one character was wrong and stupid google map didn't recognized it.

Her home was about 1 km away and even I pointed the direction, she walked to wrong direction right away. So I decided to escort her. We walked very slowly and had some small talk during which she started to remember things better and I decided that no extra help was needed.

She has spent most of the her life in Canada (couldn't state which town ) and just moved back to Pori, and the area where she lived wasn't that familiar yet. Thus she got lost. Fair enough.

She didn't have a mobile or wallet or anything with her and I demanded her to take a mobile with her every time she goes out (hmmm, like I used to do with my kids some years back), and call her sister (who lives close to her home, she claimed) to inform the adventure she had had. She was denial and urged me not to tell her sister anything (like I would know her).

So, the lady made it back home and I hope she doing just fine now.  If she dies tonight because I didn't call any extra help.. shit.

Monday, March 4, 2013

Day -88

I haven't had any pictures lately. And you don't see any today either, cause there hasn't been anything to shoot. Just ordinary days without the hype.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Day -89

The day was sunny and crisp with a lot of snow thanks to the last night storm.
We checked couple of houses, but those weren't interesting enough.
There wasn't any interesting jobs in today's Satakunnan Kansa either, surprise.
And the house is still in the market, couple of enquires, nothing concrete.

Kerrostalokämppä; 5 bed with Hyde Park view

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Day -90

I've had a Twitter account for a quite long time, but never ever used it. That will change in comming days. I just don't know what should be written there? Have you used it  and what for?

Here's the list of my followings today. Do you want to promote any other interesting ones?


Friday, March 1, 2013

Day -91

MTV3 Uutiset kertoi eilen marraskuussa työttömäksi jääneestä 57-vuotiaasta Hannasta (nimi muutettu), joka oli hakenut 47 työpaikkaa saamatta kutsua edes haastatteluun. Hän kokeili, irtoaisiko haastattelu, jos hän ilmoittaisi olevansa 35-vuotias. Kutsu haastatteluun tuli pian tämän jälkeen.
– Se synnyttää kuvan siitä, että tilanne on aika hirveä ikääntyvillä työttömillä, sanoo työmarkkinaneuvos Matti Sihto Työ- ja elinkeinoministeriöstä.
.. eli mää oonki 24v tästä eteenpäin..