Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Day -87

Action rich day behind. Many useful and good things done.

Maybe the most interesting one happened during the long walk nearby. I met an elderly lady (over 75) and she looked pretty lost and helpless. She didn't have a clue where she was, but suspected to be near by her home. I asked her home address and after some time she remembered, but google map didn't find such a street name in Pori.

Then I enquired her name. She didn't remember that one either at first, but once she calmed down a bit I got it and called to 020202, but they didn't find that kind of name in Pori first, but she was now very sure about the name being correct one. 020202 put their act together and finally found the name from their records, suddenly there were too many names. I asked her age, but no luck. 020202 added 5 more years to stated one, and there it was; the street name was very closed to what the lady said at the beginning, but one character was wrong and stupid google map didn't recognized it.

Her home was about 1 km away and even I pointed the direction, she walked to wrong direction right away. So I decided to escort her. We walked very slowly and had some small talk during which she started to remember things better and I decided that no extra help was needed.

She has spent most of the her life in Canada (couldn't state which town ) and just moved back to Pori, and the area where she lived wasn't that familiar yet. Thus she got lost. Fair enough.

She didn't have a mobile or wallet or anything with her and I demanded her to take a mobile with her every time she goes out (hmmm, like I used to do with my kids some years back), and call her sister (who lives close to her home, she claimed) to inform the adventure she had had. She was denial and urged me not to tell her sister anything (like I would know her).

So, the lady made it back home and I hope she doing just fine now.  If she dies tonight because I didn't call any extra help.. shit.


  1. Joku Mummon Kammari -tyyppinen työ vois olla passeli sulle.


  2. Hienosti toimittu Tommi!


  3. Nii-i. Voisin käydä kaupassa ja praakkailla mukavia kiikustuolin ympärillä ja .. ai niin, yhteiskuntamme on päättänyt, että on parempi hakea sellaiset auttavaiset henkilöt malesiasta ja thaimaasta, kun omat tuotoksemme eivät ole kiinnostuneita palkan pienuudesta suivaantuneena; löhöön siis mielummin sohvalla ja räin kattoon ja odotan että yhteiskunta alkaa maksaa mulle tukia..
