Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Day -73

Tähän on tultu. This is the current reality:

How have I come to this?

I remember the time when I was working in Tampere driving 250km every day, kids were.. kids, single dad most of the time, and barely no time for myself.

I don't have to drive no more, kids are.. youngsters (they don't need, sorry -want- my company.. just my money), no job, and suddenly I have loads of spare time. So there is some time even for the old fashion puzzle :)


  1. I might have something for u but u are never available on skype. KS Miami

  2. Pistän Skypen päälle huomenna. Tänään ei ehdi kun katsos on tuo matsi tulossa ja jännittää..

  3. Me ollaan huomenna koneessa:)
