Sunday, September 23, 2012

Day 100

Wau. 100

So I have another 100 days to find a job, if I follow my initially defined plan. To be honest, I'm not sure if I should follow the plan. Why wouldn't I extend the time for another 100 days, on top of 200? This first 100 days has been great, really enjoyed my life.

It's the spare time, what makes the difference. I used to move from point A to point B as quickly and straight as possible, without stopping and looking around, if you know what I mean. Today, it's not just an execution of the task anymore, but also enjoying of doing it -what ever it is or will be- , without a hurry. Kind of doing things in peace.

Don't get me wrong, I still love a "big city" type of hassle, where are too many possibilities without a chance to live them all; and where millions of people are running around like headless chickens; and where all buses are full backed and traffic is killing. (No, I'm not talking my hometown now :) ). I like such a life style; I couldn't spend days in the cottage, if I would have one (maybe that's a reason I don't owe one), middle of nowhere.

But there is always the financial factor, which says "go and find a job for yourselves". It's not possible to extend the time over certain limit; thus I will stick with -planned- 100 days to find a job, and only re-consider extension, if nothing interesting comes around, and I still got some cash left.

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