Sunday, September 30, 2012

Day 107

I should stop eating.

I don't mean the breakfast, lunch, dinner and some healthy snacks, but all this "sitting in the sofa in the evening and eating all the snacks you can find". That's a habit, I admit. I cant read a book  or watch a telly without putting something into my mouth. Before it was a cigarette, now its candy, tuc tuc, peanuts, crisp.. you name it.

The story it not that bad as I exercise quite often now a days, and my weight stays in balance. But it's more how I feel after having a bag of crisps or something. uh, my stomach is like a football, a full blown football. But still, could live with less. Just a habit and could stop doing it. Okay, I'll stop munching for.. two weeks. Just for fun, I have all the time to concentrate my bad habits, so let's try.

But not tonight, I have some candies and nuts left....

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