Chelsea - Juventus 2-1 on Half Time. COMOON Chelsea !
I quit smoking 410 days ago after 5 years of trying. There were many periods without a smoke during those 5 years, some of them lasted couple of months, some only couple of weeks or even days. It was so difficult to quit and it was so easy to say "I just smoke this one cigarette today and no more" or "I only smoke on Saturdays" or "only with a beer" and so on. It did not work for me, every time I started to smoke more and more.
But then one day I made a decision to quit for good and got a receipt of Champix, which helped me to stop smoking. It's a funny "medicine" in a sense that you can smoke for a week, while taking it, but it takes away the "feeling good" factor, that nicotine usually gives to you --> you don't feel like smoking anymore. I didn't need to use the whole 3 months period as succested, but 4 weeks was enough for me to quit. And since then I have tasted only once (after couple.. okay, a dozen.. of beers).
Why I mentioned this topic? Well, every then and then smoking comes to my mind and today I was thinking about it due to fact that someone was smoking close to me and I smelled the magic smoke. Luckily the feeling goes away after couple of seconds now-a-days.
Thanks much for posting this information. A lot of those who want to quit smoking would surely love to try Champix.