I feel like becoming a "decent" unemployed person now. I'm easy to sleep until midday and just lay down as there are nothing to do, nothing to wait for. I even spent 20mins sitting still on the kitchen table and watching the pouring rain; not touching my phone or tablet at all. That's something, usually 2 min would have been the max to be still :) !
Maybe the above is a bit exaggerate description, but it is true that it's like being on waiting mode now. I'm still active for searching a job, no question of that, but at the same time I'm waiting something to happen; when the house is sold, when the new house is bought, when that and that will happen, etc. ? There are not too many concrete things to be done as everything is running smoothly around and all the first months (actually 7) excitement of being unemployed is gone by now.
We could call this period as a "still mode".
Nyt Tommi mindfulnessia harrastamaan. Se on kai muodissakin...
I already replied this message once, but the answer seems to be lost somewhere to byte space.
ReplyDeleteAnyway, I have never heard about "mindfluness" before.
Nopea Wikipedia etsintä tuotti tulosta ja sain selville sen koskevan "psykologista tietoisuutta" defined by Buddha. Näen aina Buddhan liittyvän Karmaan (en "Maj Karmaan" hah haha haa). Kuulostaa kiehtovalta mutta olen niiiiin jalat maassa tyyppi ettei tää taida mennä läpi, tai ?
vai olisitkos ennemminkin "parantumassa", kun osaat jo olla hetken paikallaan ja olla koskematta noihin (näihin) nettihärpäkkeisiin .... :-))