Thursday, January 3, 2013

Day -149

I mentioned that the year 2013 will bring some changes, a big ones I would say. Stability is good. Change is even better.

I'll sell the house. That's on the top of my list. This house will go to the market in couple of weeks time, and expecting to close the deal in 5 months time, before summer. Wanna buy? (The price tag is not decided yet, so wait until sending the cheque).

We'll buy a house together with Virpi. We have had two separate address for more than 4 years and it's time to move on. We are hoping that to happen in a summer time.

Oh, before we can buy I need to have job too; just a small thing to keep in mind. (more likely we need a mortgage and even though they are nice fellows in a local bank, I doubt they would give me a dime without a job status).

If the house is sold sooner than expected, it could lead to the situation where I have sold the house, but not have a job yet--> can't buy a house --> need to get temporary solution where to live with the kids . But that's sounds just fun, something different again. Will see. (I know it would be wise to get a job first before selling, but that sounds so boring (yawn). It good to get the ball rolling, I have waited long enough.)


  1. "pieniä" muutoksia näemmä kaavailet:-) Tilanne ja ajatukset ovat jotenkin kovin tuttuja ... tsemppiä toteutukseen!


  2. Mitäpä sitä työtön muuta tekis.
    Niin, mites herran uusi vuosi ja uudet kujeet on lähtenyt liikkeelle? Joko blogi pystyssä? :)

  3. This page had 19 viewings from States today and 28 last week! Thanks folks, I don't know anyone down there, but appreciate your activity.
