Sunday, September 30, 2012

Day 107

I should stop eating.

I don't mean the breakfast, lunch, dinner and some healthy snacks, but all this "sitting in the sofa in the evening and eating all the snacks you can find". That's a habit, I admit. I cant read a book  or watch a telly without putting something into my mouth. Before it was a cigarette, now its candy, tuc tuc, peanuts, crisp.. you name it.

The story it not that bad as I exercise quite often now a days, and my weight stays in balance. But it's more how I feel after having a bag of crisps or something. uh, my stomach is like a football, a full blown football. But still, could live with less. Just a habit and could stop doing it. Okay, I'll stop munching for.. two weeks. Just for fun, I have all the time to concentrate my bad habits, so let's try.

But not tonight, I have some candies and nuts left....

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Day 106

Autumn is here, the better side of the autumn.

Friday, September 28, 2012

Day 105

It's "Porin Päivä" ("The day of Pori") today and actually tomorrow as well. I'm not fully aware what kind of actions that will create, but more likely nothing for me. It's a bit rainy and dull tonight and that does not encourage to go out either. It's better stay in and watch Ässät game via net and relax.

I had 25km cycling this morning and some how it was so bloody cold, that I was thinking not to make these bicycle trips anymore. I hate running, but is that the alternative for cycling during autumn and winter? Sight, yet another thing I need to learn to "like". I remember last time ( a year ago) I tried to jog and my knee said "no no" pretty soon after. There's something broken, but nothing serious they say. So I can run and play floorball as long as I want to, if the knee stays alive. I could try some easy jogging tomorrow maybe, before ARSENAL - CHELSEA game!

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Day 104

This week has been .. well, not boring, but there are less and less things to do when the weather is getting darker and darker. It's not fun anymore to cycle to the coffee shop, when it's 7 degrees and rainy in the morning. No way, I rather stay in. But I can't stay in all day and surf in the net either. I need action!

So, I did what I tough I don't like to do; I cooked. Nothing fancy, but it was a step for me to make some pasta carbonara (ingredients above). The outcome was more like "pas*a carbonara", if you know what I mean.. (Just kidding, it was good, kids rated as 7 and 9, wau)

Sight, I need to figure out some actions for coming days and weeks (and months!), otherwise it's gonna be a looooooong autumn.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Day 103

It's funny how much time it takes to complete one job application! I was applying for two positions today and it took me almost 4 hours! It seems to take time to study the company and the position in question and then start modifying the application suitable for the purpose. Every time when I have a look of my ready made template, I need to modify it, even though there are no real errors in it.

Well, I just need to accept the used (I did not say "wasted") time, it's my "job" now, isn't it.

I was thinkgin to send 5 applications out, but ended only for two, due to fact that those others were too far away (following my current specifications) or not interesting enough.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Day 102

where's the sun? Oh, it's there, on Saturday, together with the cloud and rain, jihhuu.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Day 101

A restless and boring Monday. I did nothing but reading and web surfing.

I noticed that there are some 4 to six jobs open, which I should apply. One in close to Pori and others in Tampere region. I'll have a closer look tomorrow and apply, if interesting enough.

I would like to visit this place next month:

or maybe this one in November:

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Day 100

Wau. 100

So I have another 100 days to find a job, if I follow my initially defined plan. To be honest, I'm not sure if I should follow the plan. Why wouldn't I extend the time for another 100 days, on top of 200? This first 100 days has been great, really enjoyed my life.

It's the spare time, what makes the difference. I used to move from point A to point B as quickly and straight as possible, without stopping and looking around, if you know what I mean. Today, it's not just an execution of the task anymore, but also enjoying of doing it -what ever it is or will be- , without a hurry. Kind of doing things in peace.

Don't get me wrong, I still love a "big city" type of hassle, where are too many possibilities without a chance to live them all; and where millions of people are running around like headless chickens; and where all buses are full backed and traffic is killing. (No, I'm not talking my hometown now :) ). I like such a life style; I couldn't spend days in the cottage, if I would have one (maybe that's a reason I don't owe one), middle of nowhere.

But there is always the financial factor, which says "go and find a job for yourselves". It's not possible to extend the time over certain limit; thus I will stick with -planned- 100 days to find a job, and only re-consider extension, if nothing interesting comes around, and I still got some cash left.

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Day 99


Today was for ice hockey and now barbeque with friends in middle of nowhere.

Some of you might wonder why I'm writting in English. Many of you, if not all, are non-English speaking by nature and good-old-finnish would be just fine. Well, the reason is pretty simple: I would like to work in a global company one day, as I have been doing so far, and I need to practise my English. Otherwise my confidence to speak or write it might go down. What would be the better way to practise writting than my own blog, and you don't mind my mistakes and errors (nor kielikloppi :) )

Friday, September 21, 2012

Day 98

Tonight was the movie night. The real picture in the cinema I mean. It has been awhile since I were in the cinema.
We enjoyed "Tie pohjoiseen" movie by Mika Kaurismäki, with actors like Vesa-Matti Loiri and Samuli Edelman.

Not bad, but not the best either. I did not fell a sleep, so that was good. On the other hand, the storyline was a bit thin, and thus not the most interesting. Do I recommend it? Well, why not, it's OK. 7 1/2 from me and Virpi says 8 1/2.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Day 97

Should I get worried?
There are far too many announcements of staff reductions and layoffs by Finnish companies, like the latest of Metso (600), Digia and OP- Pohjola. Just last week there were announcements of Outokumpu and Nokia Siemens Networks and others. It means that there are more and more unemployed people around and less and less jobs available. Not a good combination I would say.

The economy is not going for the right direction; we have been in this situation quite a long now in Europe and the future does not look too bright either. If you do have a job, you are the lucky one and you are not hit by the economic downturn (or depression even ?) so much, as the interest rates are down as well (if you have a mortgage). But if you don't have a job, then it comes more and more depressing and urgent to find one.

I'm sure there will be some job for me when the time is right. I still have the time to look the perfect job and if it doesn't come, then I'll settle for less interesting.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Day 96

Chelsea - Juventus 2-1 on Half Time. COMOON Chelsea !

I quit smoking 410 days ago after 5 years of trying. There were many periods without a smoke during those 5 years, some of them lasted couple of months, some only couple of weeks or even days. It was so difficult to quit and it was so easy to say "I just smoke this one cigarette today and no more" or "I only smoke on Saturdays" or "only with a beer" and so on. It did not work for me, every time I started to smoke more and more.

But then one day I made a decision to quit for good and got a receipt of Champix, which helped me to stop smoking. It's a funny "medicine" in a sense that you can smoke for a week, while taking it, but it takes away the "feeling good" factor, that nicotine usually gives to you --> you don't feel like smoking anymore. I didn't need to use the whole 3 months period as succested, but 4 weeks was enough for me to quit. And since then I have tasted only once (after couple.. okay, a dozen.. of beers).

Why I mentioned this topic? Well, every then and then smoking comes to my mind and today I was thinking about it due to fact that someone was smoking close to me and I smelled the magic smoke. Luckily the feeling goes away after couple of seconds now-a-days.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Day 95

This guy has been upset (..and has upset) for many things during the years, but this is the latest

Monday, September 17, 2012

Day 94

I could have started my week, the day, my unemployed day, with a drink, a pint, a glass of whiskey or Jaloviina (one *).. but I didn't. Why not? There are many unemployed out there who are "enjoying" their freedom with nice drinks every morning and during a day, I could do so also, I have the time and I like the taste of beer and whiskey, namm.

I saw a friend who had his first drink of the week by ten o'clock in the morning, and it made me think about how many ways you can actually spend your time, your "freedom". And I'm happy with my way.

Anyway, instead of all drinking, me and Virpi spent our Monday morning in a public swimming pool. We have a cool, new, swimming pool here in Pori with all the high tech and steam bath and  jacuzzi and.. This was my first visit and it was great and relaxing and must do more often.

.. and now I can have a beer and watch football from the telly J. I managed to be without CMORE football channels this far, but just an hour ago, I order those 6 sport channels (some with HD quality), and now I'm able to follow all the action of Premier League, Jihhuu ! Today it's Everton - Newcastle.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Day 93

Nothing to share with you today really. The day and the weekend was fine including ice hockey game, a dinner in Rosso, couple of beers, Sunday walking, floorball, visit of friends, sauna, shopping with my daughter (we did not find the shoes for the autumn and this was our 3rd try in two weeks, sight)

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Friday, September 14, 2012

Day 91

.. And surely you know what this means !
* Today is the day *

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Day 90

..reading..a nap..reading..a coffee..reading..a nap..reading..

one way of spending a day without a job *

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Day 89

Am I getting soft? I saw these flowers in the field with the sign of "for Free" and unemployed can't resist anything "free"...

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Day 88

I just finished my evening shift! It was nice to work again. The boss was pretty demanding, but I must say she is a good mentor, instructions were clear.

I did a few mistakes, like didn't know that there are different colours of mascara EVEN the colour of the box is the same for all, and I placed them in the wrong row! Uh, luckily it was my first shift and the boss didn't make too much fuss about it, although I needed to replaced them all. Let see if I ever can do another shift again after this night. (I didn't get paid either so maybe that was a sign of.. something) 


Monday, September 10, 2012

Day 87

I spent 4 hours in a front of my PC and I updated my profiles with CV for many job related forums, like Monster. I also apply the position I mentioned yesterday, after I had called them. A productive day, I would say.

It looks like that these Mondays are good for me and I'm full of speed. It was the same at work: Monday was the most productive day of the week. The saying by Boomtown Rats "I don't like Mondays" does not apply to me for some reason.

...And now I can take it easy for the rest of the week.. again  :)

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Day 86

I was surprised to see a - kind of - suitable job ad in our local news paper. It's a first one, which is close to Pori. I'll give them a call tomorrow right away.  It's difficult to imagine how it would feel, if I wouldn't need to travel hours a day to the office; I haven't had that luxury for 10 years. Only 5 years, out of 17 working years, the office distance has been less than 60min away: twice (two different locations) in Tampere and once in Camberley, where by the way my daughter was born .

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Day 85

What would you like to do, if you have all the time you need and the chance? Or rather experience and see, than "do". Climb to the highest mountain? Record a song? Write a book? Hang-gliding? Fly? Hike around Lapland? Drive a motocycle in Africa? Learn to dance ballet? Do absolutely nothing?

I would like to go out to the space and see other galaxies. As far as you never can go. Right, it's not realistic and NASA won't borrow a rocket for me. Instead, I could try to find a place where the sky looks amazing with starts and all. No, it does not look "amazing" from the prespective of my backyard. I have seen pictures which are stunning and that's what I want. Those pictures were from North Pole. Surely there are other places in this planet where the sky during the night is so clear and surroundings so dark, that even other galaxies are visible, maybe not in a bare eye, but..

is that something I must experience now when I have all the time ... ?

Friday, September 7, 2012

Day 84

I should have done cycling today. I didn't. It was a rainy and cold (+9) outside. I went to the massage instead. I haven't had professional massage for ages. Not bad, I should take it as a habbit. No, it was not Thai massage.

I should go cycling now. I don't. It's not raining anymore. I had enough clothes for breezy weather. I rather have some red wine with Virpi and watch telly and see Finland to beat France tonight. That's football and World Championship qualification, round one.

I do it tomorrow, or do I ?

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Day 83

A relaxing day: We woke up at seven, but didn't get up until eleven, had a barbeque (just pork in grill), 40 min walk, a nap in a sofa, scanning news in web and reading magazines.. and only a dancing lesson left for the day. I did have a look of jobs via Linkedit and, but no match.
( a good comparison for yesterday's morning golf in Nokia (3 hours drive,4 hours play) and floorball in the evening (1.5 hours), and I was knackered)

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Day 81

Good boy: There was one interesting position in Tampere and I sent an application out (unfortunately it was done in a bit hurry as I was busy heading towards a golf club, ups). The position was advertised in, which is one of those places I need to scan , not every morning, but every so often. Also web pages like LinkedIn, Monster, Oikotie, Tyopaikat are the ones to follow.

Monday, September 3, 2012

Day 80

It’s early September, summer officially over and it’s time to start job hunting. I promised to make “a plan” how to proceed, or to get started with.

What I want and what I expect?

·       I want a job, which is located in Pori or close. If that’s not realistic, I can easily expand to Tampere area or in similar distance (~100km). But I’m also interested to hear what other countries could offer and accept places and positions, where moving abroad is not must, but can be managed by travelling and remote work.

·       I want a job, which is not local, but global. There must be connections to abroad (customers, R&D etc).

·       I want a job, which is interesting and motivating. What is interesting then? I must have a role where I can influence where the company/organization/team is heading to and create plans and lead company/organization/teams/people.

·       I want to work with people, teamwork, and also have individual contribution.

·       I prefer telecommunications business , but I surely don’t close any doors for any other type of business either, like energy, transport or pure SW business, just a few to mention.

·       Salary is important, but it’s not playing the most important role here; If I must –and I do- work next 20 years, I would like it to be as fluent as possible and fit to the life in overall. Flexibility is a key word, which I expect from the company and company can expect it from me.

·       Optional: own enterprise. This is not what I have seriously planned. It’s an option, but needs a bloody good business idea to get me moving towards that direction.

·       .. I will amend the list when seen feasible…

A bit more detailed, an action plan for coming weeks:

1.       Find out where the jobs are advertised: web pages, forums, newspapers etc. (it’s not enough to follow Helsingin Sanomat  and its Sunday edition and section “Jobs” anymore J.

2.       Find out how many jobs are in Satakunta area in overall, and expand the search to Pirkanmaa also.

3.       Make it every day (morning) routine to scan job ads.

4.       Create a basic template for applications, both in Finnish and English.

5.       Apply for any suitable positions to start with to get an understanding of my possibilities in practice. Am I asked for interviews for the jobs, which I don’t feel too confident?

6.       Make open applications to companies I prefer to.

7.       Keep up the knowledge of my expert area and learn what’s new in business by reading magazines, articles, web forums and so on, weekly basis.

8.       Get out of the house: continue visiting coffee shops, play floorball, cycle, visit people, play PS3, have a drink, enjoy time with the love ones, watch football, walk, sleep, go every single Ässät game, listen the music, laugh, plan a trip to London and to see FC Chelsea, go out to rain and breathe in, LIVE YOUR LIFE !

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Day 79

We had a chance to taste nicely blazed salmon trout today in "Silakkamarkkinat" (= herring fair/market) in Pori. There were various ways blazed or grilled fish served and maybe the most interesting was a salmon which was finished with flamed cognac.

It was 24th Silakkamarkkinat in Pori, but the first time for me and Virpi. We were amazed with huge groud, seems to be pretty popular market around here. The picture is poor, but I will share it anyway.

Oh BTW, we did have a chance to dance foksi last night and it was fun. I was doing OKish ("ish" means like "almost", or not quite but close). It was good place to practise as nobody gave a fu.. - I mean- didn't care how we were dancing. So it was encouraging and surely we will continue as long as it's fun enough.

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Day 78

Is this a Doom day or Whaoom day? I have a first live performance today: dancing Foksi in the wedding party. Just remember: "step step, pam pam", that what they taught in the dancing school. I know it should valssi (waltz) in the wedding rather than a foksi, but I'm not that far yet so I must settle what I'm able to. They should gone married a week later as the valssi lessons are planned for next week!

Well, it's gonna be fun anyway :)